The American Art Therapy Association and its generous donors provide annual Research Awards, which are publicly presented at a special ceremony during the Annual Conference to encourage the growth of the art therapy profession by rewarding excellence and enabling access to information and resources for the members whom the Research Committee selects. This year, the Research Committee, through a highly competitive selection process, will bestow these awards:
Gladys Agell Award for Excellence in Research
Rawley Silver Research Award
Research Award applicants must be current members of the American Art Therapy Association. Follow the guidelines for the award and/or grant you are applying for, and submit all required materials via the application portal.
Members of the Research Committee or their designees will review proposals using the Evaluation Criteria explained for each separate grant or award. Members of the committee who review proposals must be blind to the identity of individuals submitting a proposal to ensure impartiality; they must not know the applicants. If committee members who can remain blind to the applicant's identity are unavailable to review submissions, the Chair will invite qualified reviewers from outside the committee to review a submission. Outside reviewers will be chosen in consultation with other Research Committee members who are knowledgeable of art therapists with research expertise and can provide a careful and thoughtful judgment on submissions.