Research Awards


The American Art Therapy Association and its generous donors provide annual Research Awards, which are publicly presented at a special ceremony during the Annual Conference to encourage the growth of the art therapy profession by rewarding excellence and enabling access to information and resources for the members whom the Research Committee selects. This year, the Research Committee, through a highly competitive selection process, will bestow these awards:
Gladys Agell Award for Excellence in Research 

Rawley Silver Research Award



Research Award applicants must be current members of the American Art Therapy Association. Follow the guidelines for the award and/or grant you are applying for, and submit all required materials via the application portal. 



Members of the Research Committee or their designees will review proposals using the Evaluation Criteria explained for each separate grant or award. Members of the committee who review proposals must be blind to the identity of individuals submitting a proposal to ensure impartiality; they must not know the applicants. If committee members who can remain blind to the applicant's identity are unavailable to review submissions, the Chair will invite qualified reviewers from outside the committee to review a submission. Outside reviewers will be chosen in consultation with other Research Committee members who are knowledgeable of art therapists with research expertise and can provide a careful and thoughtful judgment on submissions.



This award is given to American Art Therapy Association student members to support excellence in research. Maximum Award Amount: $250.00

Eligibility Criteria for Award:

  1. The researcher must be a student member of the American Art Therapy Association, Inc. Student Graduate Student Memberships are valid.
  2. An art therapist must be the principal investigator, e.g., professor or thesis chair.
  3. The study must be conducted in applied art therapy research.
  4. The research design must use a statistical measure.
  5. The research must be student work completed within the past year. May and December graduates may submit papers by May 1st of the following year. 
  6. Selected candidates will assemble a poster presentation. Posters will be on display during the AATA conference. Candidates may have time to share and discuss their work in a poster display session with other presenters. However, the Gladys Agell Award candidates will be judged according to the criteria described in the proposal requirements and the final poster execution. The presentation session itself will not be part of the judging criteria. 

Application & Guidelines

DEADLINE: May 28, 2024




The purpose of this award is to fund an art therapy research study in its proposal stage. Maximum Award(s) Amount: $1,000.00 each.

Eligibility Criteria for Award:

  1. The researcher must be a voting member of the American Art Therapy Association, Inc.
  2. Individuals may submit (or as part of a submission team) only one (1) proposal. Multiple submissions by the Primary Investigator will not be accepted.
  3. Research may be at the proposal stage or in the early stages of progress.
  4. Meets criteria for one of the categories in Section A.5 and contains all materials listed in Section C. 
  5. The research must meet one of the following categories:
    1. Proposal Stage applications consist of the plan you submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent review board and a copy of their approval letter.
    2. Early-stage or Initial-Stage applications have received Institutional Board Approval, evidenced by an IRB approval letter, and are in the early stages of being conducted. In addition to the IRB approval letter and the plan submitted to the IRB, they include the plan for data collection and, as applicable, data analysis methodology and all items listed in Section C.
    3. A proposal for a grant or funding opportunity requires the primary researcher to identify the funding agency and Request for Proposals (RFP). 

Application & Guidelines

DEADLINE: May 28, 2024